Saturday, February 21, 2009

Week 4 - Mixing it up

Week of February 12, 2009

Even the rich folks are cutting back, as shown when sales of expensive designer clothes slowed last year. Vera Wang was advised to go commercial. She started designing bridal gowns 19 years ago, and recently expanded into clothing lines. She's cutting costs by not having a huge fashion runway show, and cutting back on the creative side and opting for a more practical style. Many other high fashion designers have followed suit. Focus is not selling people items they need, not just style.

Pricing is the trickiest part of marketing. You want to make money off your products, but you also want customers to buy them and this requires boosting perceived value. In these hard economic times, P&G is trying to bolster their bottom line by raising prices with some retailers. Some retailers refused and suspended shipments of products in late December. P&G doesn't seem to care, they are not after mindless share and volume growth. P&G thinks increased prices will work, but others are skeptical.

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